ontrack WBL Reference Data
The Relationship (Student Contacts) reference data is applicable for ontrack WBL.
An SQL update will be required if you have Relationship (Student Contacts) reference data mapped to E-Track. Contact support for more information.
To specify ebs reference data and matching lookup short strings for ontrack WBL integration:
Select the Relationship (Student Contacts) reference data (accessed by clicking the Reference Data button on the System ribbon) from either the Tree View or List View in the Types pane.
The Relationship (Student Contacts) reference data screen is displayed.
The Relationship (Student Contacts) reference data grid contains the following fields:
Code - the relationship code (for example: Code - ASS) associated with the short string code for ontrack WBL (for example: Short String - ASS)
Short Description - the relationship short description (for example: Assessor) associated with the Long string for ontrack WBL (for example: Long String - Assessor)
Long Description - the relationship long description (for example: Assessor (Apprenticeships)), not associated with a setting for ontrack WBL
Active - whether the relationship entry is active, not associated with a setting for ontrack WBL
Access ontrack WBL as an administrator.
The dashboard is displayed.
Click the Lookup Editor option in the left-hand panel.
The Lookup Editor screen is displayed.
Select the relevant Table and Field from the drop-down fields.
Example table and field entries include:
Click the Add button.
The Lookup item screen is displayed.
Enter the relevant lookup short string information, matching the relevant reference data entry for Assessor and Employer type:
Scheme - the scheme number
Short String - the short string code, matching the ebs reference data relationship code (for example: ASS)
Long String - the long string description, matching the ebs reference data the relationship short description (for example: Assessor)
Start Date - the relevant start date
Finish Date - the relevant end date
Area Code - the relevant area code
Click Save.
The lookup item is added.
Lookup short strings must match the relevant entry ebs reference data entry.